Day 27, No. 27. The Borg Queen

Borg QueenHAIRCUT 100: Day 27, No. 27. Alice Krige as the Borg Queen, the Marilyn Monroe of hive minds. Sinewy, sinister, and disturbingly sexy, the Borg Queen represents the core of the Borg consciousness and is a unique drone within the collective, referring to herself as ‘we’ and ‘I’ interchangeably. Star Trek purist have argued that she is therefore an ‘illogical plot device,’ to which she might reply: ‘Are you familiar with physical forms of pleasure?’ Not everything can be interpreted in terms of mathematics. Well, OK, it can, but you see where I’m going here… South African actress and producer Krige debuted on TV in the Hallmark adaptation of Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities in 1980. The following year, she memorably played Eva Galli/Alma Mobley in John Irvin’s film version of Ghost Story by Peter Straub – one of the scariest movies of the early-80s – also playing Mary Shelley in Ivan Passer’s Haunted Summer in 1988. Krige remains a distinctive and familiar face in film and TV. She has cheerfully reprised her role as the Borg Queen from Star Trek: First Contact (1996) in several projects; appearing in the Star Trek: Voyager series finale, ‘Endgame,’ and voicing the character for the Star Trek: Armada II videogame and the ‘Star Trek Experience’ in Las Vegas. ‘I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg.’

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